søndag den 12. juni 2011

Death Angel´s "Buried alive"

Death Angel:"Buried alive", (fra albummet "Killing season", 2008):

One murder coming on
Say I´m wrong for all I´ve done
Are you God to judge us all?
Prophet false with a jury hung

Home, an empty shell of a living hell
A human zoo full of cannibals
Backwards life, it´s a dirty world
Where your dreams can´t be heard

A shallow grave is where I dwell
Buried alive within this cell
A shadow cast upon my fate
Deliver me to the one who waits

Guilt, regret and innocence
Full of lies and corruption
Suffocate while the worms infest
Underground, take one last breath

Home, an empty shell of a living hell
A human zoo full of cannibals
Backwards life, it´s a dirty world
Where your dreams can´t be heard

A shallow grave is where I dwell
Buried alive within this cell
A shadow cast upon my fate
Deliver me to the one who waits

Visions of life start to flash
As the dirt rains down
How does your so called God
Get off on this?

Blackness descending on me
In this hole in the ground
No longer will I see the light of day
The saints are gonna make the sinner pay
And maggots are waiting to feast on my flesh

(tekst: Rob Cavestany, Andy Galeon,  Mark Osegueda, Dennis Pepa)

(Thrash-legenderne Death Angel fra San Francisco startede oprindeligt ud som et rent filipinsk familie-foretagende (4 fætre) tilbage i 1982, men her i 2011 ser bandets line-up en del anderledes ud end dengang i de tidlige firsere. Eneste originale medlem er således lead guitarist Rob Cavestany. Jeg vil ikke sige, at jeg er ubetinget vild med Death Angel´s form for thrash metal, men jeg kommer ikke udenom den tunge kendsgerning, at jeg nyder at lytte til deres party-thrash i ny og næ...., og specielt et nummer som "Buried alive" er jo bare en vidunderlig ørehænger :-)).

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