lørdag den 26. februar 2011

Empty words

Death:"Empty words", (fra albummet "Symbolic", 1995):

Ashes and promises share a bond
Through the winds of change
Words are blown away
When visions that should be
Are tattoed in your mind
The power to let go
Is sometimes hard to find

The answer cannot be found
In the writing of others
Or the words of a trained mind
In a precious world of memories
We find ourselves confined

Claws so razor sharp
Ripping at the spirit

Promises a potential to hurt
Is anything real?
When forever is to be until
Deep inside, in the world of empty words...
No escape from those haunting
Empty words...

Do you ever feel it?
A craving that is so strong
To by thought rewind in order to find

Expectations that shined through the doubt
That soon would turn into the price
Of what a word will be worth
When tomorrow comes
To be and we are left
Standing on our own
And seeing what is real...

The answer cannot be found
In the writing of others
Or the words of a trained mind
In a precious world of memories
We find ourselves confined

Claws so razor sharp
Ripping at the spirit

Repeat chorus

(tekst: Chuck Schuldiner)

(Det er egentlig lidt underligt at tænke på, at en så tilsyneladende fredsomlig fyr som Chuck Schuldiner havde denne snerrende småuhyggelige kraftfulde vokal, som virkelig formidler frustration/desperation....Men man skal jo ikke altid skue hunden på hårene :-) Jeg sad i går aftes i køkkenet og lyttede til "Symbolic" for gud-ved-hvilken-gang, og som sædvanlig, da jeg nåede til track nr. 3 "Empty words", blev min opmærksomhed ekstra skærpet....Chuck´s vokal-arbejde på "Empty words" er Chuck, når han var på sit højeste :-)).

søndag den 20. februar 2011

Sacred serenity

Death:"Sacred serenity", (fra albummet "Symbolic", 1995):

Whereever we go, whatever we do
Your shadow is not far behind our steps
And our breath
Protecting and watching all...
Observing spirits on the wall
What are they telling you?

Following all instincts that are pure
Oblivious to time that they may be the cure

Sacred is the gift that they
have without knowing
Serenity is knowing it´s safe
from destruction of time

Maybe we could take a step back
And discover what leads us to attack
Time that is short - distance unknown
For them, each day life has just begun
Observing spirits on the wall
What are they telling you?

Following all instincts that are pure
Oblivious to time that they may be the cure

Repeat chorus

(tekst: Chuck Schuldiner)

(Ét af de absolut mest suveræne death metal-albums, der nogensinde er blevet udgivet er helt klart Death´s klassiker fra 1995 "Symbolic". Når mit humør ikke er så højt, plejer det at hjælpe at tage "Symbolic" frem fra pladesamlingen og lytte til albummet :-) "Symbolic" blev desværre Florida-bandets næstsidste studie-album, inden frontmant Chuck Schuldiner ulykkeligvis døde af kræft i hjernen i december 2001, i en alder af blot 34 år. Jeg elsker rigtig mange af numrene på "Symbolic", og specielt en sang som "Sacred serenity" bliver jeg næppe nogensinde træt af. Især når Chuck på "Sacred serenity" synger "Maybe we could take a step back and discover what leads us to attack"....DET ER RENT BUDDHISME-GUF!).