søndag den 5. december 2010

Other side of the river

Life of Agony:"Other side of the river", (fra albummet "Ugly", 1995):

There´s blood on the floor
And you´re not even moving
Don´t really know if it´s mine or yours
But you ain´t moving
Eyes are wide as you grin at me
You know there´s a place that you´d rather be
But if you should die and I survive
How could i go on knowing that I´m still alive
Here breathing
There´s a beast that´s living deep within me
Forcing me to feed all my needs
Yeah he´s in me
And he brought us here to end our fears
To wave goodbye to all of the tears
To start a new life on the other side of the river
Well my world would be over
Hold on, hold on, I won´t be long
Wait for me, man, I won´t be long
You were such in a rush to reach the other side
Look at yourself with that look in your eye
Smiling wide and pre-occupied with that river
Well my world would be over.

(tekst: Alan Robert)

(1995 var rent faktisk et fantastisk år....ihvertfald når det gælder fede heavy metal-udgivelser :-) Tænk blot på albums som Anathema´s "The silent enigma", Paradise Lost´s "Draconian times", My Dying Bride´s "The angel and the dark river", The Gathering´s "Mandylion", Fear Factory´s "Demanufacture", Death´s "Symbolic", Deicide´s "Once upon a cross", Morbid Angel´s "Domination", At The Gates "Slaughter of the soul", og....New York´s Life of Agony´s "Ugly"! Jeg kan tydeligt huske en torsdag aften i 1995, da programværten på det (desværre!) forlængst hedengangne "Heavyland" på Danmarks Radio´s P3 Carsten Holm spillede nummeret "Other side of the river" fra "Ugly" for os lyttere. Jeg faldt pladask for nummeret, og få dage efter befandt "Ugly" sig i min pladesamling....:-) "Ugly" er i bund og grund en meget enkel form for heavy metal, men takket være forsanger Keith Caputo´s helt enestående melankolske vokal kommer albummet op på et meget højt niveau!! Jeg stod fredag aften i køkkenet og lyttede til "Ugly", mens jeg lavede mad, og selv efter godt 15 år er albummet stadigvæk helt igennem fantastisk :-)).

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