søndag den 2. december 2012

"Singer of strange songs" by 1349

1349:"Singer of strange songs", (from the album "Beyond the apocalypse", 2004):

I told you about the world
Of how the struggle for order and peace
and self-important hypocrisy fails
in the face of reality
And how there is no grand scheme
No rest for the living... only death

Chaos and the cold endless void
Is all that awaits..
We are all forgotten
We are all dust
We are all unimportant
We are all dead
No rest for the living... only death

You thought me mad
You wanted me to be like you,
To see the error of my ways ...
So you told me things I know were wrong
You showed me why I would never fit in

Why then, does what I have become
surprise you?
Singer of strange songs

I went my own twisted way
Blocked by the world
Feared by the righteous
But always what I wanted...

Now that all has changed,
And the night is colder

Now that life has shown its true colours

And you...
You are forgotten
You are old
You are unimportant
You are dead

Can you face the real truth?
Can you call me a madman anymore?

Do you regret your selfless life?
The things you could never do,
In fear of what others would think?

Do you now see why I become a:
  Singer of strange songs

(lyrics: Seidemann)

(Not all of the established norwegian black metal-bands fit well into the term "Controversial" like a band such as Gorgoroth certainly do....Take for an example one of my ultimate favorites: Oslo´s 1349. This is definitely a band. who really concentrate on making catchy "black" full of substance and quality! Don´t get me wrong....I like Gorgoroth, that´s for sure, but 1349 just keep a higher level, when it comes to the music itself :-)

I´m not, to say the least, fond of november, but one of the albums, which really put me through the month this time around, was "Beyond the apocalypse", (the second full-length from 1349). Between the two of us....november was blown away by "Singer of strange songs" and all the other winners included on "Beyond...." :-)

"Singer of strange songs" in particular is a black metal-song, which really deserves your attention and not only because of its....erm....fascinating song-titel :-) The song-structure is almost perfect and the lyrics are damn true words....

See you next time with yet another great heavy metal-song with lyrics, and this time there will be....well....what can I say without offending anyone....A WHOLE LOT OF PISSING....ha ha....

See you :-)

Kind regards

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