søndag den 30. december 2012

"This cut is the deepest" by Swallow the Sun

Swallow the Sun:"This cut is the deepest", (from the album "Emerald Forest and the Blackbird", 2012):

You are nothing but a shadow of the beauty you used to be,
blank painting with silver frames.

You know when things turned all so wrong?
Afraid to tell the truth, locked inside yourself.
I promise this won´t hurt you,
at least as much as all these lies.

You are nothing but a shadow of the beauty you used to be,
deceitful and shallow; yes, you know when things turned so wrong.

Dim line between two broken hearts, long road to perdition.
One will stand, one will fall.

See the stars, touch your scars, face the dark eye to eye.
Touch the stars, feel the warmth, my love,
this cut is the deepest.

You are nothing but a shadow of the beuty you used to be,
deceitful and shallow; yes, you know when things turned so wrong.

(lyrics: Mikko Kotamäki)

(We´re ending this year with an incredibly beautiful song, that is "This cut is the deepest" from finnish doomsters Swallow the Sun´s latest album, this years "Emerald Forest and the Blackbird". In fact the majority of the songs included on "Emerald...." can easily be called beautiful, but for different reasons....But that said "This cut...." absolutely takes the prize :-)

2012 is about to be gone, and the year has, in my case, been quite exciting with some great experiences, but also a year not without difficulties. Life gives and it takes, that´s for sure...., and I think vocalist Mikko Kotamäki had this in mind, when he wrote the lyrics for today´s song.

Swallow the Sun is absolutely a band worth of mentioning, when we´re talking doom/gothic metal, and I think they have the talent to take over the throne, the one day My Dying Bride decide to retire. (If MDB retire, may God forbid....:-)).

See you next year, (or tuesday to be more precise :-)), with yet another great heavy metal-song with lyrics, and I´m not quite sure, I´m going to be popular on this one....because this song is definitely NOT HANGOVER-FRIENDLY....ha ha....

....and by the way, we´re staying in Finland....See you!

Kind regards

søndag den 23. december 2012

"Pissing in the mainstream" by Dying Fetus

Dying Fetus:"Pissing in the mainstream", (from the album "Destroy the opposition", 2000):

The media is a tool,
designed to mold us into slaves
Drugging us into an empty apathetic daze
The trick is that we think that everything is going fine
But the truth to our reality lies buried in the mind
I don´t give a fuck about the Hollywood elite
I don´t really care if models can´t fucking eat
I don´t give a fuck about what movie is on top
But what I really know is that the shit has got to stop
Consumer appetites are never satisfied in full
´cause the objects that they buy can simply never fill the void
A constant need for meaning and accumulating shit
drives the lust in their obsession just to get another fix
I don´t give a fuck about the TV ratings game
The "Real World´s" not a party, just a place for the insane
If that reflects reality then pass another drink
You try to be a millionaire - I´ll vomit in the sink
What the fuck is left to try on an avaricious nation on an economic high?
If Rome could last 500 years who then will throw the wrench inside our gears?
The bottom line is money on the western power scene
where celebrities and porn can let the population dream
They´re pathetic humans living in an advertising glut
who devour with a passion what the mainstream vomits up

(lyrics: Jason Netherton)

(Sorry for the late update, it is, and I´ll guess, it was worth the wait....:-)

I´m not quite sure, whether Dying Fetus´  third full-length "Destroy the opposition" was my very first meeting with these awesome Maryland-deathsters or not, but I think it was....But that said, I remember clearly my smiling reaction to this song-titel "Pissing in the mainstream", the very first time I saw it! This titel is just so funny and so original....and at the same time so normal when it comes to Dying Fetus: They never, to say the least, run short of a political comment :-)

Dying Fetus can easily be called one of the most political death metal-bands ever. They released a new album earlier this year called "Reign supreme", and my plans....erm....a part of my plans to be more precise....:-) is to buy a copy of "Reign...." next year. So don´t get surprised if a "Reign...."-song hits my blog one day or another. While we are waiting for this to happen, let´s all go pissing in the mainstream! It´s going to be wild, brutal and full of energy, and it takes 1 minute and 57 seconds....ha ha....

See you next time with yet another great heavy metal-song with lyrics, and this time it´s going to be....well....I warn you....PAINFUL THE FINNISH WAY(?!?!).

See you and MERRY CHRISTMAS :-)

Kind regards

søndag den 2. december 2012

"Singer of strange songs" by 1349

1349:"Singer of strange songs", (from the album "Beyond the apocalypse", 2004):

I told you about the world
Of how the struggle for order and peace
and self-important hypocrisy fails
in the face of reality
And how there is no grand scheme
No rest for the living... only death

Chaos and the cold endless void
Is all that awaits..
We are all forgotten
We are all dust
We are all unimportant
We are all dead
No rest for the living... only death

You thought me mad
You wanted me to be like you,
To see the error of my ways ...
So you told me things I know were wrong
You showed me why I would never fit in

Why then, does what I have become
surprise you?
Singer of strange songs

I went my own twisted way
Blocked by the world
Feared by the righteous
But always what I wanted...

Now that all has changed,
And the night is colder

Now that life has shown its true colours

And you...
You are forgotten
You are old
You are unimportant
You are dead

Can you face the real truth?
Can you call me a madman anymore?

Do you regret your selfless life?
The things you could never do,
In fear of what others would think?

Do you now see why I become a:
  Singer of strange songs

(lyrics: Seidemann)

(Not all of the established norwegian black metal-bands fit well into the term "Controversial" like a band such as Gorgoroth certainly do....Take for an example one of my ultimate favorites: Oslo´s 1349. This is definitely a band. who really concentrate on making catchy "black" full of substance and quality! Don´t get me wrong....I like Gorgoroth, that´s for sure, but 1349 just keep a higher level, when it comes to the music itself :-)

I´m not, to say the least, fond of november, but one of the albums, which really put me through the month this time around, was "Beyond the apocalypse", (the second full-length from 1349). Between the two of us....november was blown away by "Singer of strange songs" and all the other winners included on "Beyond...." :-)

"Singer of strange songs" in particular is a black metal-song, which really deserves your attention and not only because of its....erm....fascinating song-titel :-) The song-structure is almost perfect and the lyrics are damn true words....

See you next time with yet another great heavy metal-song with lyrics, and this time there will be....well....what can I say without offending anyone....A WHOLE LOT OF PISSING....ha ha....

See you :-)

Kind regards

søndag den 18. november 2012

"Ambitions" by Katatonia

Katatonia:"Ambitions", (from the album "Dead end kings", 2012):

Hear my thin voice
Hear my words fall down
See my ambitions fade out
Had so much better times

At night
Walking on the tracks
Change my perspective
Idle hands
With wounds and cracks
But past the veil
The memories of things
Still so in love with you

So dense this strife
Kick the life
I feel this weight upon my heart

Sow the seed
Aspiration is never within reach
At night there is no other view
Sing a song for the ones who never made it

In the word
Under yellow lights
Under linden trees I am
And led to believe
That things would change if I go away
The lowering sky under which we go

Constant noise
Behind the overcoming
I had no choice but to rearrange
The scar is open
I am not allowed to understand
I take it as you´re not coming back

(lyrics: Jonas Renkse)

(I know a woman, who knows a guy, who knows Jonas Renkse and Anders Nyström from Katatonia....Yes, the world is certainly a small place to be :-) Katatonia have a new full-length out these days called "Dead end kings", and I actually think, it´s their best release in recent years, or at least since "Viva emptiness" saw the light of day back in 2003...

"Dead end kings" is such a great experience both musically and when it comes to the lyrics....Maybe not that obvious the first couple of listenings, but it´s definitely an album, that goes deep in your mind after a while :-) Life may be very painful, that´s for sure, and the overwhelming atmosphere of melancholy throughout "Dead end kings" doesn´t help much changing this impression....But on the other hand I´ll rather face the tough facts of life, hand in hand with Katatonia, than be superficial trying to ignore the truth....

I´ve got three favorite "Dead end kings"-tracks", (actually I´ve got a whole lot more....ha ha....), but especially "Hypnone", "Lethean" and "Ambitions" seem, to say the least, fine to me!!! And the winner is...."AMBITIONS"....In fact I could easily be listening to this song all day long :-)

See you next time with yet another great heavy metal-song with lyrics, where I´ll take your hand and lead you back in time....663 years(?!?!) It´s definitely going to be utterly weird :-)

See you!

Kind regards

søndag den 4. november 2012

"Drown my sorrow" by Saturnus

Saturnus:"Drown my sorrow", (from the album "Martyre", 2000):

I fall back into pain
With your empty kiss
Beneath this rain
You´re still the one I miss

Drown my sorrow
In the colours of your aura
Embalm me with your innocence

And save my soul
The fire burns
But why am I still so cold

I fall back into pain
With your emptiness
Beneath this rain
I couldn´t care less

(lyrics: Kim Larsen)

(My brother, who turned 40 this spring, is NOT into heavy metal, or at least he pretends so....:-) Because I remember clearly him being on a Rage Against The Machine-/Clawfinger-trip back in the 1990´s!! But....well....let us just be straight with each other: he´s NOT into heavy metal....

One saturday afternoon in the year of 2001, (I think it was either april or may), I was visiting my brother in his house somewhere in Denmark, and we were entertaining ourselves with this awesome PLAYSTATION-MOTORBIKE-GAME....(Please, don´t ask me about the title....ha ha....). While we were....erm...speeding up, so to speak, the "Martyre"-album from danish doomsters Saturnus filled the atmosphere in the livingroom, and guess once, who was responsible for that :-) When "Drown my sorrow" ran out of the speakers, I remember clearly my brother saying: "It´s actually not that bad, the music....". And I was like "Yeeeeeeesssssss!!!!!!!", but cards on table: he hasn´t really been talking about heavy metal since....ha ha....

Saturnus were much beloved in the danish metal-scene back in the late 1990´s and in the very beginning of our new century, thanks to excellent full-length-releases "Paradise belongs to you" (1996) and "Martyre" (2000). But since that successfull time, the band have been....ern....less successfull, and have in fact only released one album: The slightly average "Veronika decides to die" from 2006. That said, a new full-length "Saturn in ascension" is coming up later this month, so maybe now it´s time again for something GREAT....who knows? :-)

See you next time with yet another great heavy metal-song with lyrics, where we´ll be crossing the ocean between Denmark and Sweeden, and drown ourselves in....MELANCHOLY!!!

See you :-)

Kind regards

søndag den 21. oktober 2012

"Insurrection" by Lamb Of God

Lamb Of God:"Insurrection", (from the album "Resolution", 2012):

When the walls fall around you is when you begin to find
That the depths you have found have become now too hard to climb
You reconcile your pain in the loneliest refrain
And crawl tied and bound to the one thing you can´t leave behind


And start over again This insurrection
The same reflection. Perpetual
And start over again and again and again and again
This insurrection.

A broken voice without a word to live by
Eyes slammed shut watch the world go by
It should have been way better than this
You can´t anticipate the things that you miss
And how long til you let it go
Master unreality Nothing to show and in the end

Top of the maountain of nowhere
First in the line dying to get back there
You can´t get back there.


First in the line to catch a glimpse of the shrine
The closest we ever got to divine
Irrefutable indisputable infallible impossible to deny

(lyrics: Lamb Of God)

(The more I get older, (AND I GET OLDER, THAT´S FOR SURE :-)), the more I become a fan of Virginia-thrashers Lamb Of God....And new album-release "Resolution" certainly helps me on the way. On this excellent album frontman Randy Blythe expresses his anger in a "no-way-back"-style, and leaves no doubt, that he´s actually....well....ANGRY! His bandmates do a damn fine job as well, and especially drummer Chris Adler enters a very high level on "Resolution". (I really begin to feel weakness, when it comes to talented metal-drummers, and so does my nephew....Well, he actually doesn´t, but it´s just a matter of time, TRUST ME....ha ha....).

The song, I´ve chosen for this update, ("Insurrection"), is not only my favorite-track from "Resolution", but also a song which is somehow different from the "normal" Lamb Of God-stuff :-) Please ENJOY...., and while you´re enjoying, don´t forget, you american HEAVY-SKOV-visitors, to be proud of yourselves, because USA are definitely on the heavy metal-map :-)

See you next time with yet another great heavy metal-song with lyrics, where we´re heading back to my home country Denmark, and this time it´s all about....erm....PLAYSTATION!!!

See you :-)

Kind regards

søndag den 7. oktober 2012

"Tongueless and bound" by Job For A Cowboy

Job For A Cowboy:"Tongueless and bound", (from the album "Demonocracy", 2012):

Truth is eternally treason in the empire... Empire of Lies
For our empire muzzles the lips of a savior who howls corruption
His exploration of reality has ruffled the feathers of a starving vulture
Classified America breeds and multiplies, vastly shrouded from us and even itself
A dark bureaucracy devoted to protecting us lurks beneath our corroding democratic practice
How will anyone create change when we cannot see inside this dark machine?
Classified America breeds and multiplies, vastly shrouded from us and even itself
An era where a military-political demon is hidden from all scrutiny
We must ask ourselves... But who watches the watchmen?
Truth is eternally treason in the Empire of Lies
Truth is eternally treason in the Empire of Lies
For our empire muzzles the lips of a savior who howls corruption
Classified America breeds and multiplies, vastly shrouded from us and even... and even itself
Classified America breeds and multiplies

(lyrics: Job For A Cowboy)

(If you are looking for fresh and catchy death metal full of politics, (and no one can certainly blame you....ha ha....), just pick up the new Job For A Cowboy-album "Demonocracy" :-) I´m actually a little surprised, I have to admit, seeing this band on such a high level....Their previous full-length-albums, ("Genesis" (2007) and "Ruination" (2009)), were slightly average, (if you ask me....:-)). But "Demonocracy" definitely has what it takes and delivers great quality, listening after listening...

....And "Demonocracy"´s finest track??? It´s almost impossible to pick out one, but just "ALMOST", because "Tongueless and bound" has to be the winner!!!

See you next time with yet another great heavy metal-song with lyrics, and this time it will be....well, what can I say without sounding totally ridiculous....EXTREMELY SOFT....ha ha....

See you :-)

Kind regards

søndag den 23. september 2012

"The gift of guilt" by Gojira

Gojira:"The gift of guilt", (from the album "L´enfant sauvage", 2012):

We leave the shores to see the mountains rising
A distant impression growing
This judgement creates the pain we hold
Destructive intentions that serve no purpose
But the end of us all
These vultures from the past, coming
In all the hells and worlds, the time has come
Delivered from their eyes
Embrace, suffer, destroy - the gift of guilt
The shame and sorrow, self-condemnation
Fill all the gaps and the spaces, unyielding
Bestowed upon us, devastating power
We´re building connective tissue to a maze of lies
We´re left as starving orphans
The vital core is gone
Our sins are all over and over again we swallow
We´re sick and tired when this wind blows
The reflex is insane
We must forgive and stop blaming ourselves for this love
These vultures from the past, coming
In all the hells and worlds, the time has come
Delivered from their eyes
I´m leaving this behind - the gift of guilt

(lyrics: Joseph Duplantier)

(My nephew is going to be one of the world´s greatest heavy metal-drummers....Seriously :-) Alright, he´s just 8 years old, but he´s definitely on his way to the top of the game....ha ha....And now we are talking best metal-drummers, two of them have to be Mario Duplantier from Gojira and Brann Dailor from Mastodon, especially Dailor....But on the new Gojira-album "L´enfant sauvage", Gojira´s Roadrunner-debut, Mario Duplantier really maintains his high level :-)

The "L´enfant suavage"-album is great, it really is, but to be honest with you, it´s also a little too "Mainstream" for my taste. Sure, it has some very cool songs, like this one "The gift of guilt", but seen as a whole, the album is not that interesting compared to previous Gojira-full-lengths....But that´s just my opinion :-)

See you next time with yet another great heavy metal-song with lyrics and yet another opinion....And this time we´re heading to Arizona. I´m looking for a job in the States....No, I´m actually not, know :-)

Kind regards

søndag den 16. september 2012

"Æra (Honour)" by Burzum

Burzum:"Æra (Honour)", (from the album "Umskiptar", 2012):

Fleygði Óðinn
ok í folk of skaut,
þat var enn folkvíg
fyrst í heímí;
brotinn var borðveggr
borgar ása,
knáttu vanir vígspá
völlu sporna.

þá gengu regin öll
á rökstolá,
ginnheilög goð,
ok um þat gættusk,
hverjir hetði loft allt
lævi blandit
eða ætt jötuns
Oðs mey gefna.

Þórr einn þar vá
þrunginn móði,
hann sjaldan sitr
er hann slíkt of fregn
á gengusk eiðar,
orð ok særi,
mál öll meginlig,
er á meðal föru.

Veit hon Heimdallar
hljóð of folgit
und heiðvönum
helgum baðmi,
á sér hon ausask
aurgum forsi
af veði Valföðrs.
Vituð ér enn - eða hvat?

Ein sat hon úti,
þá er inn aldni kom
yggiungr ása
ok í augu leit.
Hvers fregnið mik?
Hví freistið mín?
Allt veit ek, Óðinn,
hvar þú auga falt,
í inum mæra
Drekkr mjöð Mímir
morgun hverjan
af veði Valföðrs.
Vituð ér enn - eða hvat?

(lyrics are taken from a norse poem "Völuspá")

(Loneliness isn´t necessarily a bad thing. Of course, (I just know it so well), it can be kinda horrible, but at the same time it leaves you room for some deep healthy(!) thoughts....In my opinon, one of the most important things in life is getting to know yourself better :-)

Burzum´s new album "Umskiptar" is totally a fascinating journey into the world of loneliness...It´s at the same time mentally painful and completely relaxing to be part of "Umskiptar"´s universe, and I really enjoy it so much!

"Belus" (2010) and "Fallen" (2011) are absolutely great albums, but with "Umskiptar" Varg has created something quite unique! Especially when it comes to track number 5 "Æra (Honour)", I simply love the song :-)

I don´t know, (to say the least...), exactly, when the next great heavy metal-song with lyrics here on HEAVY-SKOV will be on, but wednesday september 26 might be a qualified guess....And this time we´re going to meet Buddha himself :-)

See you!

Kind regards

lørdag den 1. september 2012

"Infernal eternal" by Marduk

Marduk:"Infernal eternal", (from the album "Heaven shall burn....when we are gathered", 1996):

As I looked into the mirror and saw the creation which was
fading I sailed the darkened waters of my soul on the ship of
flaming hate towards the land of the damned

The cold winds of darkness blow strongly
The cemetery glows in the dark
A thousand times thousand voices are screaming in pain
From beyond

A number of faceless shapes march forth from the darkness within
Life is slowly passing away, poisoned by guilt and by sin

Embraced in black I lie, only waiting to die
The greatest of lifes events and I begin my journey
As hands of greater characters unveil the world
Plunging through space and time, my prison has now been slain

The reaper purifies my soul

Perdition and death
I was in ages so dark and far away and I will always be

(lyrics: Marduk)

(Legion....he came in and then he went out...., and to some point I miss the guy! But "new" Marduk-vocalist Mortuus handles it so well, that I really can´t complain, can I? :-) :-) :-)

In august I´ve been listening a lot to this old Marduk-album "Heaven shall burn....when we are gathered", and despite the fact that I´ve got a little handful of favorite songs from the album, the ultimate "Heaven...."-track has to be "Infernal eternal". At least because of its awesome song-titel....ha ha....I simply love playing with words!

The brand new Marduk-album "Serpent sermon" will definitely, (in one way or another), find its way to HEAVY-SKOV one day in the future....I´ve bought a copy of "Serpent....", but haven´t been listening to it yet: CERTAINLY ONE OF THOSE THINGS I´M LOOKING FORWARD TO :-)

Next great heavy metal-song with lyrics will be on wednesday september 12, (at least I hope so :-)). This time we´re going to visit Norway....BURZUM!!!!!!! Varg is back with his, in my opinion, best album since he was released from prison....

See you!

Kind regards

mandag den 20. august 2012

"The eye of Ra" by Nile

Nile:"The eye of Ra", (from the album "Those whom the gods detest", 2009):

In my foolishness I had taken the form of a mortal man
And entered time to live amongst humanity born of my tears
But now they have turned against me and my descendants
They overthrow the temples and curse my name

Now I return to the city of the sun
There enthroned gouge out my eye
Terrible is my pain horrifying are my cries dreadful is my towering rage
All my fierce passions cause my torn eye
To take shape as a fearsome lioness
With teeth and claws that ache to rend flesh
Heedless of the blood that courses down my cheek
Sekhmet the mighty I name thee and nesert who is a burning flame

Then the terrible roar of Sekhmet sounds forth
Flee from me humanity through it availeth thee not
Hide in the deserts and the mountains
Let fear grow in your hearts
For I am vengeance and bloody death

With terrible wrath
Shall I now go forth out in to the two lands
To slay the gathered armies of man
Not one shall stand alive where I have been
As I rend the very flesh from their bones
I will wade in human blood and drink my fill
For the joy of killing gladdens my heart

(lyrics: Karl Sanders)

( on table: The second half of 1998 was for me....well, what can I say without exaggerating....A HORRIBLE TIME!!!!!!!...."ha ha"...., but that specific year as a whole was also a time, when great USA-death metal-act Nile came up with their full-length-debut "Amongst the catacombs of Nephren-Ka", and that definitely softens the things quite a bit....HA HA....

I´ve followed Nile throughout their career, since the late nineties, and they are....well, what can I say again without  exaggerating....AWESOME!!!!!!!....HA-HA-HA....There´s a brand new Nile-album out these days called "At the gate of Sethu"....I haven´t bought it yet, but of cause I will, and while we´re waiting for the big moment to come(?!), listen to this great track "The eye of Ra" from their previous full-length "Those whom the gods detest"....Yes I´m absolutely a RIFF-lover and there´s no way I can help it :-)

I´ll be back on wednesday august 29 or thursday august 30 with yet another great heavy metal-song with lyrics, and this time we´re heading to Sweden :-) See you!

Kind regards

fredag den 10. august 2012

"Svartir sandar" by Sólstafir

Sólstafir:"Svartir sandar", (from the album "Svartir sandar", 2011):

Ég og þú
og svartir sandar.
Uppþurrin ást
í óbyggðum andar.

Leiðin heim
í hlykkjum liggur.
Iskalt regn
og kolniðamyrkur.

Feigan dreymir dauða sinn,
kulin hjörtu villast.
Minningin um hver við vorum,
vonin dauð og ástin þorrin.

Svartir sandar,
óbyggðar andar.

(lyrics: Sólstafir)

(I suppose, you´re quite familiar with the icelandic language....ha ha....oh, you´re NOT?!....ha ha (again :-))....But in fact it doesn´t really matter, whether you are or not, because Sólstafir´s latest album, last year´s "Svartir sandar" is a lot more than "just" its lyrics! It´s a black metal-album simply not out of this world :-) The music is so freezing cold, that you hardly can´t believe it, though totally unlike anything "Black" released from Norway or Sweden ever....(at least as far as I know :-)).

I´ve spent a good part of this summer in this....erm....cold atmosphere, and I really enjoy the whole "Svartir sandar"-album, especially when it comes to the awesome titel-track: Songwriting at its very best!

Next great heavy metal-song with lyrics will be on monday august 20 or tuesday august 21, and this time it´s about american death metal....See you :-)

Kind regards

torsdag den 2. august 2012

"Theories from another world" by Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost:"Theories from another world", (from the album "Tragic idol", 2012):

Erased by the words, consuming desolate
In death in remorse, in this we celebrate

Theories from another world, from another failure
We don´t adhere to fascination

Weary, fall on mother earth, call your other saviour
We don´t adhere to fascination

Drained by the voice in which we tolerate
Rejection restores resistance provocates

Theories from another world, from another failure
We don´t adhere to fascination

Weary, fall on mother earth, call your other saviour
We don´t adhere to fascination

(lyrics: Nick Holmes)

("Surprise" is easily a word to be used, when it comes to Paradise Lost´s new album "Tragic idol" in general and the song "Theories from another world" in particular....In fact the album is, in my opinion, really about to top the PL-classics "Icon" (1993) and "Draconian times" (1995), and I never thought, that was going to happen :-) Another "Tragic idol"-track "Honesty in death" could as well have been a part of "Icon"....

....But, (and here comes another surprise :-)), the song "Theories from another world" doesn´t sound like anything else Paradise Lost have released in recent times! (Or at least I can´t remember....). HEAVYYYYYYY!!!!!!! or dare I say BRUTAL....ha ha....It wasn´t my favourite track from the album to start with, but cards on table: IT HAS BECOME :-)

Next great heavy metal-song with lyrics here on HEAVY-SKOV? Friday august 10 may be a qualified guess....:-) See you!

Kind regards

søndag den 22. juli 2012

"Singular" by Enslaved

Enslaved:"Singular", (from the album "Axioma ethica odini", 2010):

Born into oblivion
Without the fear
-of existing all alone

Later comes the aquisition - forced upon
The solitude
Now loneliness
The god now submerged in a game of guilt

Psychopathic shepherds deny the miracle
-of our essence
...And yet we have part in the blame

Allowing their ravings,
Comforting their weakness, their sickness
It is time to

Recognize black
Recognize white
Recognize shadows
I am with gods


Recognize black
Recognize white
Recognize shadows
I am with gods

Traitors want to keep you down
Rise up from the ground

No one steals what no one owns
Disown and distance

Strong is she who realizes
Ethics built on sacrifice

No one steals what no one owns

One by one by one

(lyrics: I. S. Peersen)

(It´s always a good thing having something to look forward to...., and by the way Enslaved have a new full-length coming up this fall :-) (Probably in october). It actually doesn´t seem that long since the norwegians released its predecessor "Axioma ethica odini" in 2010, but time runs faster than....well....anything else!

This awesome mixture of the 1970´s progressive rock and nowadays black metal, combined with a charming melodic touch, makes this Bergen-band one of the most exciting heavy metal-bands around. "Axioma...." is no exception, especially when it comes to track number 7....the riff-winner "Singular" :-)

Yes, I´m looking forward to next album from Enslaved, let october hurry up....ha ha....

Next great heavy metal-song with lyrics here on HEAVY-SKOV will probably appear on tuesday july 31 or wednesday august 1...See you :-)

Kind regards

søndag den 15. juli 2012

"FFF" by Shining (Sweden)

Shining (Sweden):"FFF", (from the album "VII: Född förlorare", 2011):

(Dedicated to Susanne Kvarforth (1957-2010))

Jag förbannar min moder for hennes val att skapa ett liv
Och jag förbannar min fader for hans ljumna, snart tjugosju år gamla säd så viril

Men främst så förbannar jag mig själv, du motbjudande fanskap, du smaklösa skämt
Från födseln förlorad, sedan barnsben evigt dömd
Jag är den felande länken, ett misstag som aldrig börde få ha hänt

Jag säger nej till livet, nej till mig själv
Och alla guds perverterade skapelser
Moder jord, alla skogar och fjäll
Jag säger nej till livet, nej till mig själv
Och alla guds perverterade skapelser
Moder jord, alla skogar och fjäll

En genpol så defekt
Ett mörker så perfekt

Jag säger nej till livet, nej till mig själv
Och alla guds perverterade skapelser
Moder jord, alla skogar och fjäll
Jag säger nej till livet, nej till mig själv
och alla guds perverterade skapelser
Moder jord, alla skogar och fjäll

(lyrics: Niklas Kvarforth)

(It actually took me several months to get a copy of Shining´s latest full-length...., (and I was totally convinced that life was without problems of any kind....ha ha....).  But thank God, I succeeded :-) "VII: Född förlorare" is in my opinion Shining´s best album this far...Dark and melodic as we´ve been used to, but on a slightly higher level than before! The six tracks are damn fine, but especially the closer "FFF" makes you think about life.

(And now we´re talking God, I also thank him for the day back in 2009, when I discovered Shining :-)).

Next great heavy metal-song with lyrics here on HEAVY-SKOV will be available FRIDAY JULY 20 or SATURDAY JULY 21 or SUNDAY JULY 22....See you!

Kind regards

lørdag den 7. juli 2012

"Genocide" by Evile

Evile:"Genocide", (from the album "Infected nations", 2009):

Drag me down, depths I dread
Where I pass millions dead
Conflict wraps me in waves
To show kings and slaves
Sinking deep as I find
Just what lurks in their minds
Let me go so I rise
I hold no more life inside

I have seen through other´s eyes
Such things I fear to see with mine
Visions of a future denied
Pull me away from genocide

Staring down the face of time
Far I drift through the lines
More I see morbid ways
Down I cannot stay
Try and surface from the truth
As it´s pulling down on you
All these demons we detest
These demons are
These demons are only men

I have seen through other´s eyes
Such things I fear to see with mine
Visions of a future denied
Pull me away from genocide

I held my breath
I was pulled below
From the earth that I wanted for
These hands that hold
Press me to the past
Are the same that bring
Me back from the dead

I have seen through other´s eyes
Such things I fear to see with mine
Visions of a future denied
Pull me away from genocide

These demons are only men

(lyrics: Matt Drake)

(And now it´s definitely time for some Huddersfield-thrash....:-) England´s ultimate thrash-hope Evile have been around for some years now, but they´re actually quite new to me. Don´t get me wrong...., I´ve been reading about them several times, but the first time I listened to their music was just a few weeks ago, when second album "Infected nations"....erm....hit my ears :-)

One of the reasons why I really like "Infected nations" is because of frontman Matt Drake´s vocal, which somehow reminds me of Tom Araya from Slayer! Not that bad....ha ha...but alright, the difference is clear....Araya is, after all, on a higher level or two :-)

Another reason is the fact, that the four talented musicians know for sure how to create cool thrash-songs, which stay in your head long after listening....

The Evile-guys got two other full-lengths under their belt: the debut "Enter the grave" (2007) and latest offering "Five serpent´s teeth" (2011), and what can I say....may Evile hit my ears once again....ha ha....

See you next weekend with another great heavy metal-song with lyrics :-)

Kind regards

lørdag den 30. juni 2012

"Joyless journey" by Withering Surface

Withering Surface:"Joyless journey", (from the album "Walking on phantom ice", 2001):

Dear passengers, take seat, the ride will proceed
Never look back, never see why you ever get
Never think twice, never step onboard the
joyless journey
Never take seat, now you are a part of the
joyless journey
Never look out, now the journey has begun

All that you need, we take it all away
The ride on the joyless journey
All that you need, you give it all away
The life on the joyless journey

Dreaming about sorts. Seeing what needs to be seen
Never look back, now you see why you always get
Never think twice, now you stepped onboard the
joyless journey
Never take seat, now you´re a part of the
joyless journey
Never look out, now the journey has begun

Fourteen, longing, about. Seven, avenues, distant
Sombre eyes, sore. A matter of minutes again...
Wild and without barriers

Never look back, nothing known of distance
Never think twice, to heights never realized
joyless journey
Never take seat, nothing known of route
joyless journey
Never look out, in the dreamless sleep

Never look back, never think twice
It all gets back to you now
Never take seat, never look out
You now are the dreamless sleep

(lyrics: Withering Surface)

(The world is a small place to be, especially when it comes to Denmark....:-) In the year of 1995 I got this awesome penpal, Marianne, who I wrote together with for almost....well....four years. Marianne knew the guy, Michael H. Andersen, who fronted talented danish melo-death metallers Withering Surface...., and now several years after, I´ve met the guy, who plays the keyboards on Withering Surface´s third full-length "Walking on phantom ice"....Morten Lybecker. (Morten and I have worked together :-)).

Yes, the world is small, indeed, but "small" is not exactly the right word to use, when it comes to Withering Surface....I´ve followed the guys throughout their career, from the beginning in 1997 to the end in 2004, and the journey has been....joyFULL :-)

See you on friday july 6 with another great heavy metal-song with lyrics :-)

Kind regards

onsdag den 20. juni 2012

"Lets we forget" by Bolt Thrower

Bolt Thrower: "Lets we forget", (from the album "...For victory", 1994):

War to end all wars
Hatred lost control
Casualties now mounting
Tales yet still untold
Life´s cradication
Of man now beyond all reason
Totally insane
The human race becomes

Lets we forget - thoughts will always haunt the mind
Lets we forget - the bitterness remains

Past termination
Man made rationality
Complete elimination
Of life beyond brutality
Eternal resentment
Re-occurs time after time
Driven to despair
Extinction drawing near

Lets we forget - thoughts will always haunt the mind
Lets we forget - the bitterness remains

Lets we forget - thoughts will always haunt the mind
Lets we forget - the bitterness remains

Commence removal of all things valued in life
The persecution what was once believed right
Humanities objective now totally deranged
When ignorance transpires, this world becomes insane

(lyrics: Bolt Thrower)

(I really can´t remember, whether it was february or march this year, but one morning I woke up with this Bolt Thrower-song "Lets we forget" running in my head, and I was like "WTF?!?!?!?!"....Because of the fact, that I hadn´t really been listening to Bolt Thrower for quite some time, and suddenly BT-frontman Karl Willetts was entertaining me in the very beginning of the day :-)

England´s Bolt Thrower is definitely death metal at a very high level, but their lack of album-releases in recent times makes it a little too easy to overlook the band....But I´ll never forget their "...For victory"-album, which was my very first meeting with these war machine-guys and girl, and now we´re talking Jo Bench....isn´t she just the most fascinating bass player in the whole (heavy metal)-world? Of cause she is :-)

Next great heavy metal-song with lyrics here on HEAVY-SKOV will be available on saturday june 30 :-) See you!

Kind regards

søndag den 10. juni 2012

"Lifer" by Brutal Truth

Brutal Truth:"Lifer", (from the album "Evolution through revolution", 2009):

i know - the politics of war
i know - the ruthless sacrifice
i know - that broken toys explode
you know - i´ll never compromise

born into - smashing divisions
religious conviction in lime
moral repression depression
our cattle are starting to drive

your reason for breaking the heart and your mind
usurp the beliefs of last few who cry

fucking tourist start your drive to mundane existence
this lifer could give a fuck
if you had your own opinion

(lyrics: Brutal Truth)

(For (too!) many years I had this (wrong!) feeling, that New York´s Brutal Truth wasn´t something for me....Until one day a couple of years ago, when I bought their "Evolution through revolution"-album, and found out, that we´re actually talking first class-grind :-) Not as good after all as the fine stuff, we´re getting from my Birmingham-heroes Napalm Death, but Brutal Truth definitely know how to incorporate great riffs in as hell-songs!

In fact I was on my way to post "Evolution...."´s track number 19 "Bob Dylan wrote propaganda songs" because of its funny songtitel :-), but I changed my mind in the eleventh hour...."Carsten, you must be serious, you really have to post your absolute favorite track from this album!!!"...."I know well, so here it is....track number 18 "Lifer"!!!!!!!".

I´ll be back on wednesday june 20 with another great heavy metal-song with lyrics :-)

Kind regards

lørdag den 2. juni 2012

"Bleed" by Meshuggah

Meshuggah:"Bleed", (from the album "obZen", 2008):

Beams of fire sweep through my head
Thrusts of pain increasingly engaged
Sensory receptors succumb
I am no one now - only agony

My crimson liquid so frantically spilled
- The ruby fluid of life unleashed

Ripples ascend to the surface of my eyes
Their red pens drawing at random, at will
A myriad pains begotten in their wake
- The bastard spawn of a mutinous self

The regurgitation of my micro nemesis
- Salivating red at the prospect of my ruin, my doom

Malfunction the means for its ascent
Bloodletting the stringent voice to beckon my soul
So futile any resisting tension
As death-induced mechanics propel its growth

The implement, the device of my extinction
- The terminating clockwork of my gleeful bane
The definitive scourge of its mockery
- The end-art instruments lethality attained

Heed - it commands, heed my will
Bleed - it says, bleed you will

Falling into the clarity of undoing
Scornful gods haggle for my soul
Minds eye flickers and vellicates as I let go
Taunting whispers accompany my deletion

A sneering grin, the voice of my reaper
- Chanting softly the song of depletion

(lyrics: Tomas Haake)

(It´s actually a little bit strange, but the very reason why I love Sweeden´s most technical heavy metal-band, (the so-called mathcore-masters :-)), Meshuggah isn´t at first place their music, but in fact vocalist Jens Kidman´s....well....vocal :-) He´s just that perfect in everything he´s doing! And with these "Kidman, you´re the greatest"-words....:-), it´s definitely time, here on Heavy-Skov, for one of the most difficult heavy metal-songs ever to be played live....Meshuggah´s "Bleed" :-)

And by the way, there´s a brand new Meshuggah-album on the streets...."Koloss"....I haven´t been listening  to miracle yet, but it will surely happen during the summertime :-)

I´ll be back next weekend with another great heavy metal-song with lyrics :-)

Kind regards

lørdag den 26. maj 2012

"The enemy" by Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost:"The enemy", (from the album "In requiem", 2007):

Why can´t you say; sorrow
Why can´t you say; I think I believe
Thou must not steal; borrow
Why must you steal things
I receive

Why can´t you say; sorrow
Why can´t you say; I think I believe
Why must you steal; borrow
Always conceal cling to belief

Damaged this way; hollowed
Living the lie that you can´t take
Damaged maintained; solemn
Living for rules you only break

How can you say?

The enemy is thrown into the sadness
For the enemy there´s only pain and sadness then death

(lyrics: Nick Holmes)

(Paradise Lost....well....they come and go in my life....I was a big fan of this legendary english gothic/doom metal-band around "Icon" (1993) and "Draconian times" (1995), but they don´t seem that interesting to me anymore. But that said, I definitely can´t help buying their albums....ha ha.... It´s just a matter of time before I´ll get their latest offering "Tragic idol", released recently :-)

The case is, that though Nick Holmes & Co., in my opinion, no longer are at the same high level as before, they still create some fine memorable metal-songs, like this one...."The enemy" :-)

Kind regards

fredag den 18. maj 2012

"The beginning and the end" by Anathema

Anathema:"The beginning and the end", (from the album "Weather systems", 2012):

Inside this cold heart is a dream
That´s locked in a box that I keep
Buried a hundred miles deep
Deep in my soul in a place that´s surrounded by aeons of silence

And somewhere inside is the key
To everything I want to feel
But the dark summer dawns of my memory
Are locked in a place that can never be

Can someone please show me the way?
Can someone please help me?
For I cannot see and the silence is raging

Fade into silence

Inside is the key to a memory

(lyrics: Daniel Cavanagh)

(In the early days of my blog I was mentioning, that my favourite metal-album with no doubt is Anathema´s "The silent enigma" (1995), (and I guess it always will be :-)). A more than great atmospheric doom metal-masterpiece, which takes the listener into a....erm....fascinating state of darkness and hopelessness! Many years have passed since "The silent enigma" was seeing the light of day :-), and the Liverpool-guys/girl are definitely no longer in the doom-area....Now we are talking a musical style, which can be called something like "atmospheric progressive rock with well-hidden metal-parts"...:-)

Latest Anathema-album "Weather systems", which is actually brand new, is currently finding its way to my ears, and it´s so great experiencing the band still keeping the flame high and making otherworldly music!

One of the most recommendable songs on "Weather systems" is in my, (and I suppose many others), opinion track number seven....the very fine "The beginning and the end".

Kind regards

søndag den 13. maj 2012

"I am the earth" by Watain

Watain:"I am the earth", (from the album "Casus luciferi", 2003):

He lives through me
All of what I am
The needle of hamartia
injected in the flesh of man
With the soul of a carrion
Sleeping, yet awake
For underneath this skin
crawls eden´s cursed snake

Hic est draco caudam suam devorans!

You may have felt it´s cold
carressing down your spine
Gently yet with strength
and with a morbid touch
For its real shape is a razor
Smeared with the Devil´s seed
and infected with its plague
are the scars from which I bleed

I am the earth
chained to horns
Its ground is my flesh
pierced by Holy thorns
I am the earth
burning deep within
Its water is my blood
blackened by my sins

Swallowed by His mystery
Lots within its maze
The bridges behind they burn
from the pyres of Hell´s grace
One after another
the stars fade into black
He has called my name
There is no way back...

Pierced by His will
Trapped within His lair
My flesh shall be the sign
of that fires are to fear
For those who walk upon me
shall be punished for their turns
I am the earth
and within me the Devil burns!

I am the earth
in the shadow of the Lord
A crucifix of flesh
yet sinfully adored
I am the earth
as your life with me does blend
For I am His truth
the world without end...

The world without end

(lyrics: Watain)

(Sorry for the late update, but now I´m back :-), and this time we are talking Watain....

....I´ve been into Sweeden´s Watain, since they released their third album "Sworn to the dark" in 2007, and I definitely have to say, that I am not proud of the fact, that I didn´t discover this great band much earlier, but I had been quite too busy with other metal-things....ha ha....

Normally, when we´re talking black metal, it´s Norway, who´s the leader...., but Sweeden have, among others, Marduk and Watain, and they are definitely something to be proud of :-) For the last couple of weeks I´ve been listening regularly to Watain´s second album "Casus Luciferi" (2003), and it´s absolutely a great black-album with this damn fine highlight...."I´m the earth"!

Watain rules :-)

Kind regards

torsdag den 26. april 2012

"Seeds of the doomed" by Autopsy

Autopsy:"Seeds of the doomed", (from the album "Macabre eternal", 2011):

Strangled daylight fading, soon I´ll crawl out
To whisper to the bones I´ve scattered about

Arranging the bones
The bones on the moor
Seeds of the doomed
So perfect they are

We draw closer every time when we speak
They want others like them to be complete

Arranging the bones
The bones on the moor
Seeds of the doomed
So perfect they are

Below the ground when the sun is high
In solitude I deconstruct my prize
I chew the mangled meat right off the bone
In the darkness down here all alone

Skeletal sockets peering out through the mist
Sun bleached fingers point while the stale winds hiss

Arranging the bones
The bones on the moor
Seeds of the doomed
So perfect they are

I´ve stripped the pieces from their counterparts
Nocturnal placement as a work of art
This place is mine, nobody else comes here
If they do they´ll only disappear

(lyrics: Chris Reifert)

(Well, here´s absolutely an album-titel, which perfectly suits the music....ha ha....I´ve been listening a lot lately to the return from the american death metal-veterans Autopsy and their come back-album "Macabre eternal" is definitely one of the best death metal-albums, I´ve been listening to for a long long time :-) But that said, I have to admit, that I had some serious troubles getting into this dark and disgusting universe the first couple of times, I listened to "Macbre eternal"....But I´m a very patient soul, and I succeeded....YES!...."Macabre eternal" is definitely gore-death metal, as we wish for :-)

I´ve found two ultimate winners on "Macabre eternal": track number two "Dirty gore whore" and track number six "Seeds of the doomed", and if I really really really have to choose...."Seeds of the doomed" goes all the way....such dreamy riffs :-)

Kind regards

søndag den 15. april 2012

"Veil of maya" by Cynic

Cynic:"Veil of maya", (from the album "Focus", 1993):

In maya´s grip illusion transforms verity
perceiving thus a delusive world of

veil of maya
balance every joy with a grief
dual scales of maya
earth´s unending law of polarity

ahamkara...veil of maya

illusion works impenetrable
weaving webs innumerable
her gay pictures never fail
crowd each other veil on veil
charmer who will be believed
by man who thirsts to be deceived
maya subjects you

veil of maya
chops and divides god´s dream thoughts
the great divider
as we be subject to likes and disgust

ahamkara...veil of maya

maya subjects you
charmer who will be believed
by man who thirsts to be deceived

veil of maya
balance every joy with a grief
dual scales of maya
earth´s unending law of polarity

veil of maya
chops and divides god´s dream thoughts
the great divider
as we be subject to likes and disgust

ahamkara...veil of maya

(lyrics: Cynic)

(My dad loves jazz and don´t ask me why....ha ha...., but when jazz is combined with death metal like on Cynic´s debut-album "Focus", released in 1993, I suppose it´s alright!

There are a lot of classic albums put out from the floridian death metal-scene back in the late eighties/early nineties, and "Focus" is absolutely one of them, with its great combination of technical death metal and....well....jazz :-) (Despite the fact, that the album is not THAT death metal!). But "Focus" simply took the well-known death metal-genre a step or two further....

There are some damn good songs to find here, but the opener "Veil of maya" will in my opinion allways go as the ultimate "Focus"-winner :-)

Kind regards

lørdag den 7. april 2012

"Unseen" by The Haunted

The Haunted:"Unseen", (from the album "Unseen", 2011):

Familiar as it may seem
I wish I had never been
here before
The re-occurring pattern
of dysfunctional,
the power and control
it´s not as if
I´m new to any of this,
but I wish there was a way
to reach your inside
and set you free

And so it stays unseen
Under the surface
Right out of touch
right out of reach
Until we shine the light of
truthful loving trust
it´s never going to change

You were the one
I was supposed to turn to
when I needed someone
and I realize that
I´m powerless,
but at least I´m not alone.
So turn your screws on
any which way cause
I´m not playing along
You carry this like a trophy,
when you could have been
so strong,
But I am not the one
to judge you anymore
I promise you.

And so it stays unseen
Under the surface
Right out of touch
right out of reach
Until we shine the light of
truthful loving trust
it´s never going to change

(lyrics: The Haunted)

(To compare the sweedish thrash metal-band The Haunted´s early releases to their newest one "Unseen" (2011) is like comparing Ozzy Osbourne to Britney Spears....ha ha....Alright, maybe "THE EXAGGERATION OF THE YEAR", but there really is a difference!

I´m a big fan of the The Haunted´s early career with "thrash metal-straight-in-your-face"-albums like the debut "The Haunted" (1998) and "Revolver" (2004), but on "Unseen" the sweedes have turned in a....erm....popmetal-direction?! Not that bad actually, because the new songs have in general fine catchy choruses and are quite memorable, but perhaps a little too boring seen from a real metal-perspective....

But anyway, I´ve been listening a lot to the album without actually falling asleep, and especially the titel-song keeps me awake :-)

(News: Frontman Peter Dolving has recently left The Haunted, and the band is looking for a new singer....So the future of the band might seem a little uncertain at the moment, but we´ll cross our fingers :-)).

Kind regards

tirsdag den 3. april 2012

"Ghosts of grace" by Nachtmystium

Nachtmystium:"Ghosts of grace", (from the album "Assassins: black meddle part 1, 2008):

The alleys of hell where we wonder
What´s eternal, now it begins
The fate of the earth, where we were born
No last echo, pull the plug

And the storm left nothing
And the storm left all
And the storm took nothing
And the storm took all

The winds of disease burn your fields
So unhallowed, so unclean
The face of extinction raw and pestilent
White with terror, tainted eyes

And the storm left nothing
And the storm left all
And the storm took nothing
And the storm took all

The ghosts of grace want your bones
Your spirit left for dead
The course of the mourning, lay in grace
Like nations raped with praise

And the storm left nothing
And the storm left all
And the storm took nothing
And the storm took all

(lyrics: Chris Black)

(Nachtmystium....well....the very first time I saw this awesome bandname was on the front cover of the UK-heavy metal-magazine Terrorizer, and I remember clearly thinking to myself: "Carsten, this definitely is a joke!". But it wasn´t :-), just like Nachtmystium´s music....

It´s been a while since, I´ve been listening to "Assassins....", which turned out to be kind of a breakthrough-album for the Chicago-guys, but a couple of weeks ago it found its way back to my ears, and it´s really that relaxing listening to such experimental black metal with a Pink Floyd-touch to it :-)

And the ultimate Assassins-track??????? It definitely has to be "Ghosts of grace"....RIFFS :-)

Kind regards

fredag den 23. marts 2012

"Careful what you wish for" by Testament

Testament:"Careful what you wish for", (from the album "The gathering", 1999):

Grace - in a perfect world
On shines the light
Praise - an angelic song
But there´s another side you´ll see
Salvation easily denied

Reigns - down with misery
Life´s not always what it seems
Written in the testament of old
Stop believing every word
You read
Distorts the lie
Forever lost inside your mind
Just be careful what you wish for
Just be careful what you wish for

Peace of mind
I can´t find
Don´t be blind
Take the ride

Hey...we live in a fucked up world
Walking on through the demise
We step into the unknown
You better save yourself...

Hey...we live in a fucked up world
Hiding behind the disguise
Never let your feelings show
Why can´t you be yourself...
We live in a fucked up world
Walking on through the demise
We step into the unknown
You better save yourself...

(lyrics: Chuck Billy)

(Actually I got this Testament-album as a birthday-present from my parents, when I turned 30! (It´s always great to have parents, who really appreciate their children....ha ha....). My cd-collection includes two Testament-albums, this one and "The formation of damnation" (2008), and both are, if I can say so, thrashing good quality :-)

In fact I could have posted any of "The gathering"´s eleven tracks and still be satisfied with myself, but track number seven "Careful what you wish for" is to say the least quite irresistable: Party-thrash as we all, (I suppose :-)), like it....

....and by the way, there´s a new Testament-album, "The dark roots of earth", set for an release this year!

Kind regards

onsdag den 14. marts 2012

"The heart collector" by Nevermore

Nevermore:"The heart collector", (from the album "Dead heart in a dead world", 2000):

To see the actor without tears
Dark rivers carve the years between the lines of self control
In my psychotic karmic fear, I own your tears anyway
And I am you and we are not afraid

And we won´t be here for long
The heart collector
Sings his song that´s slowly boiling over

Nevermore to feel the pain
The heart collector sang
And I won´t be feeling hollow for so long
Nevermore to feel the pain
The words fall out like fire
Just believe when you can´t believe anymore

The stage is empty now
I hope we hold and cannot allow
The corrupt eclectic takes his fatal bow

And we won´t be here for long
The heart collector sings his song again

Nevermore to feel the pain
The heart collector sang
And I won´t be feeling hollow for so long
Nevermore to feel the pain
The words fall out like fire
Just believe when you can´t believe anymore

(lyrics: Warrel Dane)

(One more beautiful song :-), and I can tell you, it was definitely love at first listen! I´ve mentioned Seattle´s Nevermore a couple of times before here on HEAVY-SKOV, but as we say here in Denmark: "something good can´t be done too often"....(Well, not all of us apparently....ha ha....).

When you´re used to, like I am, the more extreme vocals the heavy metal-genre has to offer, it can be really refreshing from time to time just lay back and listen to Warrel Dane´s clean vocals. He´s definitely one of the most talented guys, I´ve "met" since I discovered this unique genre many years ago :-)

Kind regards

onsdag den 7. marts 2012

"The deepest of all hearts" by My Dying Bride

My Dying Bride:"The deepest of all hearts", (from the album "The dreadful hours", 2001):

Your soul is my desire
Desire I can´t control
Be still my beating heart
Each beat you have stole
Your mind calls to me
Calls me closer to you
Be calm my aching heart
The ache drives me to you
Your eyes
The depth I see
So deep
The tears you cry will devour me

A flower to behold
Don´t run
Don´t blow away
Breathless to my eyes
So bright
Never to fade
Calmness and mystery
Entwines and captures me
Delicate to the touch
From what I could see

I only wanted to get you close to me
To feel the love inside of me
You turned away from me
You looked the other way
You didn´t see my tears for you
I only wanted to take you in my arms,
And lay you down here with me
You tried to turn and flee from my side
You tore out the heart of me
If only you had stayed
What may have been?
We could have been beautiful
Could have walked the earth,
Flown into the skies,
Swam the deepest of the seas
But you couldn´t see anything in me
You strayed too far from my path
Maybe now you´ll see anything in me
I´m sorry it had to be this way

Your eyes
Your smile
No more laughter again
We were something
No more
Nothing to me

Now I walk alone
Naked to the bone
My heart has fled far from me
Until another day
I find the one, who looks beyond the eyes in me

(lyrics: Aaron Stainthorpe)

(I´ve been listening a lot to My Dying Bride since we went into 2012....Well, they´re always on my....what can I 100 :-), but especially in this new year they mean a lot to me, (don´t ask me why :-)). "The dreadful hours" was released about eleven years ago, and I´m not quite aware how important the album seems to the fans, but for me the whole thing is....well....quite interesting, from the opener "The dreadful hours" to the closer "The deepest of all hearts". Actually I was going to post the titel-song here on HEAVY-SKOV, but the last couple of days "The deepest of all hearts" has very often found its way to my ears. (Don´t ask me why....ha ha....). So here it is, this beautiful song :-)

Kind regards

tirsdag den 28. februar 2012

"This is the end" by Machine Head

Machine Head:"This is the end", (from the album "Unto the locust", 2011):

This ends now

This ends now
And I don´t care about last year
Won´t be afraid of what the future holds can´t fear
Want not the past and the safety it brings
It doesn´t mean anything
We´ve come too far
There´s no going back now
Bring on the future with an open embrace
Memories I will erase
Memories I will erase

This is the end
This is the end of chasing dreams gone by
Ever-long is this goodbye and this
This is the end
This is the end of our respect denied
Stand with us or stand aside

Only now do you pretend to care about this
You suffocated everything that came between us
Took every condescending barb and sting
I don´t owe you anything
So here we stand
Farewell is forever
And if you think that it´s a joke or a lie
Look me in theese blackened eyes
Look me in theese blackened eyes

This is the end
This is the end of chasing dreams gone by
Ever-long is this goodbye and this
This is the end
This is the end of our respect denied
Stand with us or stand aside

Bastards, you bastards,
May you suffer oh so long
Bastards, you bastards, so long

Brothers, my brothers
Why have you forsaken thee
Brothers, my brothers
So be

Deny those that will never accept
Empty words are just regrets
Let go the bile that your soul has amassed
With this let die be cast

This is the end
This is the end of chasing dreams gone by
Ever-long is this goodbye and this
This is the end
This is the end of our respect denied
Stand with us or stand aside

(lyrics: Robb Flynn)

(Last month I was on a little trip to the southern part of Denmark, and during the trip one day I was taking a walk through some woods, a distance about 4 kilometres, and from the very beginning to the end of this walk, I had this new Machine Head-song "This is the end" running in my head without the music actually playing....A weird but somehow enjoyable experience :-) I really love the new Machine Head-album "Unto the locust", it´s even better than its predecessor "The blackening", and I´m definitely about to become a big Machine Head-fan! Perhaps a little too late, but I suppose, I must be forgiven....ha ha....

Kind regards

lørdag den 18. februar 2012

"Låt oss ta allt från varandra" by Shining

Shining:"Låt oss ta allt från varandra", (from the album "V: Halmstad", 2007):

låt oss ta allt från varandra,
låt oss ta allt från oss själva
låt polerna verka och avge kall smuts
bestjäl mig den gudomliga gnistan
sparka det lyckliga flinet ur mitt vidriga anlete
och låt stålat begravas i det böljande kött
som på denna jord vandra i uselt intet
med en steril blick på livet och allt däruti
väntar vi andaktigt på den heliga bödeln
han som obönhörligen annalkas att utföra sitt signade värv
min dom föll tidigt och utan pardon
och domen skall även falla på dig som är forutan tro
(än mer obarmhärtig och vredgad)
i detta finner mitt skuggjag tröst och sadistisk glädje
att vi alla skall smekas av flammornas ömma kärlek
i evighet, amen
låt honom ta allt ifrån dig

(lyrics: Niklas Kvarforth)

(I have to admit, that I find it a little too exhausting reading a Niklas Kvarforth-interview....The swede creates such great metal, but some of his comments are....what can I say without offending anyone....well....BULLSHIT....ha ha....But at the end of the day it´s the music, that really matters, and when it comes to the music, Kvarforth is one of the champions :-) Listen for instance to a great track like "Låt oss ta allt från varandra", (in english "Let´s take everything from each other"), and it´s quite clear, that the guy knows exactly, what he´s doing....

Kind regards