søndag den 16. oktober 2011

Marduk´s "Accuser/Opposer"

Marduk:"Accuser/Opposer", (fra albummet "Rom 5:12", 2007):

Accuser, accuser,
Exhaustless fountain of poison divine,
I ate of death to cleanse my flesh of god
To make me thy entrance to the veins of the world,

Now as we turn to seek thy face,
Pour down on us thy redeeming wrath,
For you will ascend into heaven,
And will exalt thy throne above god,
And you will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,
In the sides of north,

And you will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
And will be like the most high,
Yet where you brought down to the sides of the pit,
Which we now must merge with the skies.

Opposer, opposer,
Core, marrow and essence of my will,
I renounce this flesh in the name of thy praise,
To kindle the coals of salvation´s spring.
I drank of hell to cleanse my soul of god,
To reach the light in which thou dwellest,

Adversary, adversary,
Glorious slenderer and everything´s adversary.
Whose blade alone split the tongues of the world,
Yet shall the highest of truths mark thy crown,
Now as we turn to seek thy face,
Pour down on us thy redeeming wrath.

(tekst: Marduk)

(Det er lidt underligt at tænke på, at mit første herlige møde med de svenske black metallere Marduk var albummet "World funeral" (2003), som skulle vise sig at blive den mangeårige forsanger Legion´s allersidste optræden i front af de legendariske svenskere....Men jeg skal da lige love for, at hans efterfølger Mortuus har overtaget mikrofonen med manér! Mortuus´ vokal-arbejde på de foreløbige 3 fuldlængder "Plague angel" (2004), "Rom 5:12" (2007) og "Wormwood" (2009) er ret fantastisk. Dog skal det tilføjes, (og det har absolut intet med Mortuus at gøre!), at "Rom 5:12" er dét af de nævnte albums, som jeg bryder mig mindst om.....Men et nummer som "Accuser/Opposer" får altid det brede smil frem på mine læber :-)).

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