mandag den 24. oktober 2011
"Prosperity and beauty" by Gorgoroth
Gorgoroth:"Prosperity and beauty", (from the album "Ad majorem sathanas gloriam", 2006):
(At first I would like to say, that from now on I´ve decided to write my comments in english instead of danish. (In fact I have more visitors from countries such as USA, Russia and Germany than from Denmark). There may be some misspellings and stuff like that, but I certainly will do my best, I promise :-) I´m not perfect in english, so maybe I´ll regret and return to danish, but now I´ll give it a try....
....and now to the norwegian black metal-band Gorgoroth, (from Bergen), one of the most controversial black metal-bands ever, to say the least :-) I was into the band by the release of 2000´s "Incipit satan" and couldn´t hardly wait to check out the follow-up: "Twilight of the idols" (2003). But by the release of 2006´s "Ad majorem sathanas gloriam" things definitely went in the wrong direction with Gorgoroth....Gorgoroth-founder Infernus (guitar) was kicked out of the band by vocalist Gaahl and bassist King Ov Hell, and things went to the court....Now Infernus owns the right to the Gorgoroth name, and runs Gorgoroth with new members....And Gaahl and King Ov Hell are surely not satisfied with the situation!
I love the "Ad majorem...."-album and especially the closing track "Prosperity and beauty", a damn fine black metal-song, but....sorry....I couldn´t find its lyrics, neither in the booklet nor the internet. So you have to sharpen your ears....ha ha....
I´ll be back soon with another great heavy metal-song...with lyrics :-)
Kind regards
søndag den 16. oktober 2011
Marduk´s "Accuser/Opposer"
Accuser, accuser,
Exhaustless fountain of poison divine,
I ate of death to cleanse my flesh of god
To make me thy entrance to the veins of the world,
Now as we turn to seek thy face,
Pour down on us thy redeeming wrath,
For you will ascend into heaven,
And will exalt thy throne above god,
And you will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,
In the sides of north,
And you will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
And will be like the most high,
Yet where you brought down to the sides of the pit,
Which we now must merge with the skies.
Opposer, opposer,
Core, marrow and essence of my will,
I renounce this flesh in the name of thy praise,
To kindle the coals of salvation´s spring.
I drank of hell to cleanse my soul of god,
To reach the light in which thou dwellest,
Adversary, adversary,
Glorious slenderer and everything´s adversary.
Whose blade alone split the tongues of the world,
Yet shall the highest of truths mark thy crown,
Now as we turn to seek thy face,
Pour down on us thy redeeming wrath.
(tekst: Marduk)
(Det er lidt underligt at tænke på, at mit første herlige møde med de svenske black metallere Marduk var albummet "World funeral" (2003), som skulle vise sig at blive den mangeårige forsanger Legion´s allersidste optræden i front af de legendariske svenskere....Men jeg skal da lige love for, at hans efterfølger Mortuus har overtaget mikrofonen med manér! Mortuus´ vokal-arbejde på de foreløbige 3 fuldlængder "Plague angel" (2004), "Rom 5:12" (2007) og "Wormwood" (2009) er ret fantastisk. Dog skal det tilføjes, (og det har absolut intet med Mortuus at gøre!), at "Rom 5:12" er dét af de nævnte albums, som jeg bryder mig mindst om.....Men et nummer som "Accuser/Opposer" får altid det brede smil frem på mine læber :-)).
lørdag den 8. oktober 2011
Ved Buens Ende´s "Den saakaldte"
Ved Buens Ende:"Den saakaldte", (fra albummet "Written in waters", 1995):
Listen, hear my demons dance
after a view and a fallen star,
they gather
Look, see my demons gleam
they´ve brought us stains
and my bubbles bother
Drifting us further away
really seems like a rainy day...
(tekst: Yousaf Parvez a.k.a. Vicotnik)
(Man skal ikke lytte ret længe til norske Ved Buens Ende´s debut-album "Written in waters", før man forstår, hvorfor dette album er blevet en af de helt store klassikere inden for heavy metal-genren...."Written in waters" er en dybt original blanding af avantgarde metal og black metal, med hovedvægten lagt på avantgarde, og et album, som man slet ikke kan komme udenom, når snakken falder på en af metallens store personligheder Carl-Michael Eide, (Aura Noir, Virus). Desværre har "Written in waters" aldrig fået sig en opfølger, og iflg. Eide er det på nuværende tidspunkt udelukket, at det sker. På en måde ærgerligt, men samtidig kan man godt stille sig selv spørgsmålet hvorvidt "Written...." overhovedet kan overgåes eller bare matches i kvalitet....:-)).
lørdag den 1. oktober 2011
Napalm Death´s "Distorting the medium"
Napalm Death:"Distorting the medium", (fra albummet "Utopia banished", 1992):
Saturating pre-assuming icon of the youth,
Ways and means to call the shots,
Fingers in the pies which resign us from vacant urges,
Facing the bombardment - no escape!
Stick your intentions!
Parade of puppets
Sickly sweet - you stink of vulgarity!
Sacrifice the faculties,
All you´ve achieved is synthetic scenes.
Next step is to gain approval from those ignore,
Those who recognise the charade,
To fabricate alternatives designed to be expensive
In hand with the regular facade.
Acquire acclaim with plastic actions,
Sickly sweet - you stink of vulgarity!
Sacrifice the faculties,
All you´ve achieved is synthetic scenes.
Fit into the cliche,
A legend in your own brain.
Shooted, motivated only for prestige
A mask for your inadequacy.
Preshaping to what´s required for slick
Censored for subversion,
Redundant machine.
Don´t let them mould your identity.
(tekst: Mark "Barney" Greenway)
(Det er så let at glemme Napalm Death´s tidlige udgivelser med Barney i spidsen, når man lytter til de nyere albums fra Birmingham-drengene....Men Napalm var også rigtigt fede i begyndelsen af Barney-æraen, som f.eks. på fuldlængden "Utopia banished" fra 1992. Dyrk lige tracket "Distorting the medium", hvor den nu afdøde guitarist Jesse Pintado i dén grad åbnede for riff-skuffen....Fantastisk medrivende nummer :-)).
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