søndag den 23. september 2012

"The gift of guilt" by Gojira

Gojira:"The gift of guilt", (from the album "L´enfant sauvage", 2012):

We leave the shores to see the mountains rising
A distant impression growing
This judgement creates the pain we hold
Destructive intentions that serve no purpose
But the end of us all
These vultures from the past, coming
In all the hells and worlds, the time has come
Delivered from their eyes
Embrace, suffer, destroy - the gift of guilt
The shame and sorrow, self-condemnation
Fill all the gaps and the spaces, unyielding
Bestowed upon us, devastating power
We´re building connective tissue to a maze of lies
We´re left as starving orphans
The vital core is gone
Our sins are all over and over again we swallow
We´re sick and tired when this wind blows
The reflex is insane
We must forgive and stop blaming ourselves for this love
These vultures from the past, coming
In all the hells and worlds, the time has come
Delivered from their eyes
I´m leaving this behind - the gift of guilt

(lyrics: Joseph Duplantier)

(My nephew is going to be one of the world´s greatest heavy metal-drummers....Seriously :-) Alright, he´s just 8 years old, but he´s definitely on his way to the top of the game....ha ha....And now we are talking best metal-drummers, two of them have to be Mario Duplantier from Gojira and Brann Dailor from Mastodon, especially Dailor....But on the new Gojira-album "L´enfant sauvage", Gojira´s Roadrunner-debut, Mario Duplantier really maintains his high level :-)

The "L´enfant suavage"-album is great, it really is, but to be honest with you, it´s also a little too "Mainstream" for my taste. Sure, it has some very cool songs, like this one "The gift of guilt", but seen as a whole, the album is not that interesting compared to previous Gojira-full-lengths....But that´s just my opinion :-)

See you next time with yet another great heavy metal-song with lyrics and yet another opinion....And this time we´re heading to Arizona. I´m looking for a job in the States....No, I´m actually not, know :-)

Kind regards

søndag den 16. september 2012

"Æra (Honour)" by Burzum

Burzum:"Æra (Honour)", (from the album "Umskiptar", 2012):

Fleygði Óðinn
ok í folk of skaut,
þat var enn folkvíg
fyrst í heímí;
brotinn var borðveggr
borgar ása,
knáttu vanir vígspá
völlu sporna.

þá gengu regin öll
á rökstolá,
ginnheilög goð,
ok um þat gættusk,
hverjir hetði loft allt
lævi blandit
eða ætt jötuns
Oðs mey gefna.

Þórr einn þar vá
þrunginn móði,
hann sjaldan sitr
er hann slíkt of fregn
á gengusk eiðar,
orð ok særi,
mál öll meginlig,
er á meðal föru.

Veit hon Heimdallar
hljóð of folgit
und heiðvönum
helgum baðmi,
á sér hon ausask
aurgum forsi
af veði Valföðrs.
Vituð ér enn - eða hvat?

Ein sat hon úti,
þá er inn aldni kom
yggiungr ása
ok í augu leit.
Hvers fregnið mik?
Hví freistið mín?
Allt veit ek, Óðinn,
hvar þú auga falt,
í inum mæra
Drekkr mjöð Mímir
morgun hverjan
af veði Valföðrs.
Vituð ér enn - eða hvat?

(lyrics are taken from a norse poem "Völuspá")

(Loneliness isn´t necessarily a bad thing. Of course, (I just know it so well), it can be kinda horrible, but at the same time it leaves you room for some deep healthy(!) thoughts....In my opinon, one of the most important things in life is getting to know yourself better :-)

Burzum´s new album "Umskiptar" is totally a fascinating journey into the world of loneliness...It´s at the same time mentally painful and completely relaxing to be part of "Umskiptar"´s universe, and I really enjoy it so much!

"Belus" (2010) and "Fallen" (2011) are absolutely great albums, but with "Umskiptar" Varg has created something quite unique! Especially when it comes to track number 5 "Æra (Honour)", I simply love the song :-)

I don´t know, (to say the least...), exactly, when the next great heavy metal-song with lyrics here on HEAVY-SKOV will be on, but wednesday september 26 might be a qualified guess....And this time we´re going to meet Buddha himself :-)

See you!

Kind regards

lørdag den 1. september 2012

"Infernal eternal" by Marduk

Marduk:"Infernal eternal", (from the album "Heaven shall burn....when we are gathered", 1996):

As I looked into the mirror and saw the creation which was
fading I sailed the darkened waters of my soul on the ship of
flaming hate towards the land of the damned

The cold winds of darkness blow strongly
The cemetery glows in the dark
A thousand times thousand voices are screaming in pain
From beyond

A number of faceless shapes march forth from the darkness within
Life is slowly passing away, poisoned by guilt and by sin

Embraced in black I lie, only waiting to die
The greatest of lifes events and I begin my journey
As hands of greater characters unveil the world
Plunging through space and time, my prison has now been slain

The reaper purifies my soul

Perdition and death
I was in ages so dark and far away and I will always be

(lyrics: Marduk)

(Legion....he came in and then he went out...., and to some point I miss the guy! But "new" Marduk-vocalist Mortuus handles it so well, that I really can´t complain, can I? :-) :-) :-)

In august I´ve been listening a lot to this old Marduk-album "Heaven shall burn....when we are gathered", and despite the fact that I´ve got a little handful of favorite songs from the album, the ultimate "Heaven...."-track has to be "Infernal eternal". At least because of its awesome song-titel....ha ha....I simply love playing with words!

The brand new Marduk-album "Serpent sermon" will definitely, (in one way or another), find its way to HEAVY-SKOV one day in the future....I´ve bought a copy of "Serpent....", but haven´t been listening to it yet: CERTAINLY ONE OF THOSE THINGS I´M LOOKING FORWARD TO :-)

Next great heavy metal-song with lyrics will be on wednesday september 12, (at least I hope so :-)). This time we´re going to visit Norway....BURZUM!!!!!!! Varg is back with his, in my opinion, best album since he was released from prison....

See you!

Kind regards