tirsdag den 28. februar 2012
"This is the end" by Machine Head
Machine Head:"This is the end", (from the album "Unto the locust", 2011):
This ends now
This ends now
And I don´t care about last year
Won´t be afraid of what the future holds can´t fear
Want not the past and the safety it brings
It doesn´t mean anything
We´ve come too far
There´s no going back now
Bring on the future with an open embrace
Memories I will erase
Memories I will erase
This is the end
This is the end of chasing dreams gone by
Ever-long is this goodbye and this
This is the end
This is the end of our respect denied
Stand with us or stand aside
Only now do you pretend to care about this
You suffocated everything that came between us
Took every condescending barb and sting
I don´t owe you anything
So here we stand
Farewell is forever
And if you think that it´s a joke or a lie
Look me in theese blackened eyes
Look me in theese blackened eyes
This is the end
This is the end of chasing dreams gone by
Ever-long is this goodbye and this
This is the end
This is the end of our respect denied
Stand with us or stand aside
Bastards, you bastards,
May you suffer oh so long
Bastards, you bastards, so long
Brothers, my brothers
Why have you forsaken thee
Brothers, my brothers
So be
Deny those that will never accept
Empty words are just regrets
Let go the bile that your soul has amassed
With this let die be cast
This is the end
This is the end of chasing dreams gone by
Ever-long is this goodbye and this
This is the end
This is the end of our respect denied
Stand with us or stand aside
(lyrics: Robb Flynn)
(Last month I was on a little trip to the southern part of Denmark, and during the trip one day I was taking a walk through some woods, a distance about 4 kilometres, and from the very beginning to the end of this walk, I had this new Machine Head-song "This is the end" running in my head without the music actually playing....A weird but somehow enjoyable experience :-) I really love the new Machine Head-album "Unto the locust", it´s even better than its predecessor "The blackening", and I´m definitely about to become a big Machine Head-fan! Perhaps a little too late, but I suppose, I must be forgiven....ha ha....
Kind regards
lørdag den 18. februar 2012
"Låt oss ta allt från varandra" by Shining
Shining:"Låt oss ta allt från varandra", (from the album "V: Halmstad", 2007):
låt oss ta allt från varandra,
låt oss ta allt från oss själva
låt polerna verka och avge kall smuts
bestjäl mig den gudomliga gnistan
sparka det lyckliga flinet ur mitt vidriga anlete
och låt stålat begravas i det böljande kött
som på denna jord vandra i uselt intet
med en steril blick på livet och allt däruti
väntar vi andaktigt på den heliga bödeln
han som obönhörligen annalkas att utföra sitt signade värv
min dom föll tidigt och utan pardon
och domen skall även falla på dig som är forutan tro
(än mer obarmhärtig och vredgad)
i detta finner mitt skuggjag tröst och sadistisk glädje
att vi alla skall smekas av flammornas ömma kärlek
i evighet, amen
låt honom ta allt ifrån dig
(lyrics: Niklas Kvarforth)
(I have to admit, that I find it a little too exhausting reading a Niklas Kvarforth-interview....The swede creates such great metal, but some of his comments are....what can I say without offending anyone....well....BULLSHIT....ha ha....But at the end of the day it´s the music, that really matters, and when it comes to the music, Kvarforth is one of the champions :-) Listen for instance to a great track like "Låt oss ta allt från varandra", (in english "Let´s take everything from each other"), and it´s quite clear, that the guy knows exactly, what he´s doing....
Kind regards
søndag den 12. februar 2012
"Life eraser" by Konkhra
Konkhra:"Life eraser", (from the album "Spit or swallow, 1995):
With the power of mind
I travel between worlds
The spice of life
New ways to joy my senses
Jump through space
On certain places
Gateways to spheres
And time erases
Traveller through time
Seeing the future
Disappear through blasts
Of unknown power release
Life eraser
Life eraser
I can´t tell you
How small we are
As one thousand images of life
In one instant comes to me
And I see the elder races
Putrid forms of man
See him rise and claim the earth
His downfall is at hand
(lyrics: Anders Lundemark)
(Konkhra....the absolute pride of Denmark? Well, not exactly....ha ha...., but back in the nineties Denmark had a very cool and healthy death metal-scene with, among others, great bands such as Detest, Exmortem and....Konkhra :-) Back then my absolute favourite-band chosen from this scene was with no doubt Detest, but the great qualities of Konkhra could hardly be ignored....Anders Lundemark & Co. were awesome! Especially on their second full-length "Spit or swallow", which turned out to be kind of a breakthrough for the guys :-)
I haven´t really been listening to Konkhra for....well....some years, but a few days ago I found "Spit or swallow" in my collection, and despite the almost 17 years since its release, the album still sounds great. And the riffs on track 3 "Life eraser" are nothing but....FIRST CLASS :-)
Kind regards
søndag den 5. februar 2012
"Do you dream of me?" by Tiamat
Tiamat:"Do you dream of me?", (from the album "Wildhoney", 1994):
Come down, slowly
I´m waiting by your side
Come down, carefully
I´m waiting by your side
I´ll grab you when you fall
Down to the waking hours
Silent sweeps as golden corn
Down to the waking hours
How I wish that I could
Break into your dreams
Do I have the force I need
To break into your dreams
I hold you in my arms
Dimmed by scarlet morning red
I whisper in your ear
"Do you dream of me?"
(lyrics: Johan Edlund)
(In my opinion Johan Edlund is one of the greatest songwriters in heavy metal, and almost every Tiamat-song seems to me more or less incredible :-) But that said, some songs of course are more incredible than others....Take for an example "Do you dream of me?" from the Tiamat-breakthrough "Wildhoney": Totally incredible....ha ha....I simply love the song!
"Wildhoney", the follow-up to "Clouds", has sold oceans of copies and is a great goth/doom metal-album, although I don´t consider it their best release. But every time I´m listening to "Do you dream of me?", I´m feeling in a way....well....happy :-)
Kind regards
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