lørdag den 24. september 2011

Hate Eternal´s "The art of redemption"

Hate Eternal:"The art of redemption", (fra albummet "Phoenix amongst the ashes", 2011):

Conquer thy rebellion, destroy thy pristine
Bold, I must revel in the obliteration of the monotheist, so called mighty lord
Crush all man, burn down the temple of hope
Persecution of all your saint´s ideals
Behold, the end of days awaits
Whilst redemption now is at hand
The art of redemption
The final battle is at hand
Avenge me legions and hordes abandon
Triumphant in our stand
Confront me tyrant, absolve me messiah
Defy, I shall defy all those whom choose the path of lies
Lies, you cannot hide from nor deny
I cast thee out, out amongst slaves
Slaves amongst thieves, thieves amongst the fray
Amongst the fray may vengeance destroy you all
For victory now is within our grasp
The art of redemption
The final battle is at hand
Avenge me legions and hordes abandon
Triumphant in our stand
The art of redemption
With vengeance we shall command
In discipline we revolt against the tyranny
Defiant in our stand
Path of fury wrath of many
Insipid and insolent in our ways
Destroy all with pure ferocity
Vindication through annihilation
Redemption retaliate
Redemption obliterate
Redemption, annihilate
Redemption, we rule this world

(tekst: Erik Rutan)

(Jeg har været fan af Florida´s Hate Eternal næsten lige fra det øjeblik, death metal-debuten "Conquering the throne" så dagens lys i 1999. Nu, 12 år senere, er bandet pladeaktuelle med 5. udspil "Phoenix amongst the ashes", som er brutal og kompleks død spillet i et forrygende tempo med mastermind og eneste originale medlem Erik Rutan i absolut storform. (Dyrk bare Rutan´s guitarspil på tracket "The art of redemption" :-)).

Musikken på "Phoenix...." er kompleks, endog særdeles kompleks, og det gør, at det er en skive, som man skal give tid til at vokse. Der er simpelthen så mange elementer i de enkelte numre, at man umuligt kan nå at få det hele med ved kun 2-3 gennemlytninger. Men væbner man sig med med tid og tålmodighed, er der utrolig meget guf at hente, og albummet bare vokser og vokser og vokser....Varmeste anbefaling!).

lørdag den 10. september 2011

Napalm Death´s "Downbeat clique"

Napalm Death:"Downbeat clique", (fra albummet "Time waits for no slave", 2009):

For independence we alone define
Open-ended, not monopolised, it´s just as it is.

Does not need overstatement
Don´t broadcast it from the rooftops
It´s we alone that convene.

But radical actor there you are,
The radical statesman picking holes
But radical actor there you are,
The radical statesman´s checklist of faults

But radical actor there you are,
In radical terms this target´s soft
But radical actor there you are,
In radical terms it´s power to your lost soul

But radical actor there you are,
The radical heights alienating
To be a cut above - or below

Infighting starts to establish
A clearly marked distance because image is at stake

Mindlessly stifling downbeat clique
Down-at-heel tyranny downbeat clique

Infighting starts to establish
A clearly marked distance because image is at stake

Pitifully snipping downbeat clique
Re-branded morality downbeat clique

Exactly what are YOU achieving?

The faithful patron of one conclusion
With reflection, effects are null and void,
It´s just as it is

But racical actor there you are,
The radical statesmen picking holes
But radical actor there you are,
In radical terms it´s power to your lost soul

But radical actor there you are,
The radical slip into social structure
And your threatening alliance with the norm.

(tekst: Mark "Barney" Greenway)

(Objektivt set er Napalm Death´s seneste fuldlængde "Time waits for no slave" en lille tilbagegang for Birmingham´s stolthed i forhold til forgængeren "Smear campaign" fra 2006. Meeeeeeen jeg har i dén grad dyrket "Time....", siden den landede i min samling i det tidlige 2009, for selv et Napalm i en 90%-udgave er stærkt medrivende selskab :-)

I næste måned får "Time...." så efter sigende en opfølger, og mens vi venter på den nye Napalm-skive, hvad er så mere nærliggende end at brøle lystigt med på det ultra-fede og herligt rytmiske "Time...."-track "Downbeat clique"? Okay, du kan måske godt finde en ting eller to, der er mere nærliggende....ha ha...., men forslaget er hermed givet :-)).

søndag den 4. september 2011

Communic´s "At dewy prime"

Communic:"At dewy prime", (fra albummet "Waves of visual decay", 2006):

The vision was a test of deprived physical strength
Dipped in the ocean to be born again
My soul was naked without a surface
Then fingers folded around me and gave me a shell
This ship on its travel carried meaningful thoughts
Travelled over me and left their minds
Then a shadow unbound me and stretched me with skin
And adorned my soul with the memories of them

Sailor, sailor burning bright
On the stormy sea at night
Golden heart and undying pride
Their heart lies buried in a bay of Noeway

Bring back the memories bring me back in time
Bring back the colors and the scent of meadow lands
Bring back the memories bring me back in time
Bring back the colors and the scent of meadow lands

At dewy prime
Bring back the souls of the dead
At dewy prime - Bring back the souls
At dewy prime
Bring back the souls of the dead
At dewy prime - Bring back the souls

Bring me back in time to their homeland
Bring back their souls together with me
Bring back their souls to their homeland
Bring me back in time together forevermore...

In remembrance of this kind
That once came to round our land
What immortal hand of time
Made a frame and locked the symmetry

Our eyes contemplate
A transmission to the soul
Spectacle of this universe
The night veils its sadness in bloom

And one day will come
Suppress all the dark thoughts
Spirits of our destructive time
Even into plains of ether

Bring back the memories bring me back in time
Bring back the colors and the scent of meadow lands
Bring back the memories bring me back in time
bring back the colors and the scent of meadow lands

At dewy prime
Bring back the souls of the dead
At dewy prime - Bring back the souls
At dewy prime
Bring back the souls of the dead
At dewy prime - Bring back the souls

Bring me back in time to their homeland
Bring back their souls together with me
Bring back their souls to their homeland
Bring me back in time together forevermore...

The vision was a test of deprived physical strength
Dipped in the ocean to be born again
My soul was naked without a surface
Then fingers folded around me and gave me a shell
This ship on its travel carried meaningful thoughts
Travelled over me and left their minds
Then a shadow unbound me and stretched me with skin
And adorned my soul with the memories of them...

(tekst: Oddleif Stensland)

(Jeg er ikke meget for at indrømme det, men jeg havde lidt svært ved at se det fantastiske i norsk/danske Communic´s 2. fuldlængde "Waves of visual decay", da den udkom i 2006....Jeg syntes, at det var en noget skuffende opfølger til debut-braget "Conspiracy in mind", men som tiden er gået er jeg heldigvis blevet klogere :-) "Waves...." holder 100 %, hvis bare man giver sig selv lov til at lytte koncentreret til de 7 lange labyrintiske, gennemarbejdede, intelligente tracks. Det er power/progressive metal så englene synger, og især closeren "At dewy prime" har jeg lært at se/høre som et af Communic´s allerbedste tracks til dato.

I disse måneder er Oddleif Stensland & Co. pladeaktuelle med bandets 4. fuldlængde "The bottom deep", og er blevet et etableret band på den internationale metal-scene og i HEAVY-SKOV´s univers....:-)).