fredag den 31. december 2010


The Gathering:"Amity", (fra albummet "if_then_else", 2000):

The torture won´t part you
Motherly breast won´t warm you
You fail and foam from your mouth
why is this so loud. this sound?

All the sense you´re capable of
does not seem to save you
You heed the glance of a smile
Was it impossible to float for a while?

Restless is carrying fever
burning you to pieces
In search and need of a friend
Will I bow down to this in the end?

I lay in the hands of my maker
and I want to spend the rest of it awake
Why do I get the feeling they´ll break it
It´s a´s a fight...

The torture won´t part you
Mother´s lap can´t seem to warm you
You strain. you clamp up and frown
Why is it so loud. This down?

All the sense you are capable of
does not seem to save you
You heed the glance of a smile
Was it impossible to float for a while?

I lay in the hands of my maker
And I want to spend the rest of it awake
Why do I get the feeling they´ll break it
It´s a´s a fight...

(tekst: Anneke van Giersbergen)

Godt Nytår / Happy New Year :-) :-) :-)

mandag den 27. december 2010

The cry of mankind

My Dying Bride:"The cry of mankind", (fra albummet "The angel and the dark river", 1995):

You can´t expect to see him and survive
You´ll swallow his tongue of thorns
His mouth, dripping with flies
In his glorious kingdom of fire
But I believe he wept
I will make them all lie down
Down where hope lies dying
With lust, you´re kicking mankind to death
We live and die without hope
You tramp us down in a river of death
As I stand here now, my heart is black
I don´t want to die a lonely man
This is a weary hour
This is a weary hour

(tekst: Aaron Stainthorpe)

(Hvis der er et heavy metal-album, som jeg i dén grad forbinder med vinteren, så er det utvivlsomt engelske My Dying Bride´s 3. fuldlængde-album "The angel and the dark river". Albummet er så fyldt med mørke og kulde, at det er noget nær umuligt at forestille sig en hvid sandstrand, mens man lytter til musikken....Jeg vil ikke ligefrem påstå, at åbningsnummeret "The cry of mankind" er mit yndlingsnummer på pladen, men med sin iskolde stemning af modløshed, er det en genial optakt til, hvad der venter forude...."The angel and the dark river" er og bliver et af hovedværkerne inden for gothic/doom metal :-)).

lørdag den 25. december 2010

One second

Paradise Lost:"One second", (fra albummet "One second", 1997):

And for one second I lost my head and for one second,
I wished that you were dead and for one second,
you wish that you were here all alone
hold back the tears that could fall for me.
And for one second, I lost my breath and for one second,
I cherish what you said and for one second
it seemed that I was here all alone.
Hold back the tears that could fall for me.
And for one second I understand and for one second,
my life was in your hands and for one second,
you wish that you were here all alone.
Hold back the tears that could fall for me, they fall alone.

(tekst: Nick Holmes)

(Jeg har tidligere her på Heavy-Skov været inde på, at jeg ikke ligefrem er begejstret for snevejr og kulde, så det har været nogle drøje uger her i december måned i Danmark, hvor sneen bare er faldet og faldet....Men mens jeg er gået rundt på mere eller mindre glatte og ufremkommelige fortove, med huen trukket godt ned om ørerne, har jeg rimelig ofte haft Paradise Lost´ smukke sang "One second" fra albummet af samme navn kørende oppe i hovedet, og det er en sang, der varmer!! Albummet "One second" var unægteligt et skridt i den forkerte retning for Paradise Lost efter udgivelsen af "Draconian times", men lige præcis titelnummeret er ganske enkelt uimodståeligt....Og med "One second" ønsker jeg alle besøgende på Heavy-Skov, fra Danmark og andre lande, en rigtigt glædelig jul :-)).

søndag den 12. december 2010

The last time

Paradise Lost:"The last time", (fra albummet "Draconian times", 1995):

It´s a struggle with a failures frown
And it crashes in front of me
I see the clouds divide
Will you stay or try to leave

The time you´re looking at through the door
And think to walk right through
I want to ignore
I only wish that it passes soon

I raise a sunken smile
As I serve only the ones who serve
What can I achieve
As you steal the air I breathe

A cruel misfortune
Forbidding us to see
When stories may collide
It´s a sad state of mind

Hearts beating for the last time
Hearts beating it is a state of mind

Hearts beating for the last time
The peace you cannot find

(tekst: Nick Holmes & Gregor Mackintosh)

(Jeg glædede mig rigtig meget til udgivelsen af engelske Paradise Lost´ album "Draconian times" dengang tilbage i 1995, og blev bestemt ikke skuffet, da jeg fik albummet i julegave i en limited edition med en bonus disc med bl.a. live- og demonumre....:-) "Draconian times" er en helt igennem herlig plade, (gotisk, melodisk og storslået), som i mine ører er det absolutte højdepunkt i Paradise Lost´ fornemme karriere, men desværre blev "Draconian...." også startskuddet til en mindre nedtur for bandet, som efter udgivelsen forgæves prøvede at gå kommercielle veje. Pardise Lost er dog gudskelov stadigvæk iblandt os, og vil til evig tid stå som et af de store engelske heavy metal-bands, bl.a. takket væ nummer som "The last time" :-)).

søndag den 5. december 2010

Other side of the river

Life of Agony:"Other side of the river", (fra albummet "Ugly", 1995):

There´s blood on the floor
And you´re not even moving
Don´t really know if it´s mine or yours
But you ain´t moving
Eyes are wide as you grin at me
You know there´s a place that you´d rather be
But if you should die and I survive
How could i go on knowing that I´m still alive
Here breathing
There´s a beast that´s living deep within me
Forcing me to feed all my needs
Yeah he´s in me
And he brought us here to end our fears
To wave goodbye to all of the tears
To start a new life on the other side of the river
Well my world would be over
Hold on, hold on, I won´t be long
Wait for me, man, I won´t be long
You were such in a rush to reach the other side
Look at yourself with that look in your eye
Smiling wide and pre-occupied with that river
Well my world would be over.

(tekst: Alan Robert)

(1995 var rent faktisk et fantastisk år....ihvertfald når det gælder fede heavy metal-udgivelser :-) Tænk blot på albums som Anathema´s "The silent enigma", Paradise Lost´s "Draconian times", My Dying Bride´s "The angel and the dark river", The Gathering´s "Mandylion", Fear Factory´s "Demanufacture", Death´s "Symbolic", Deicide´s "Once upon a cross", Morbid Angel´s "Domination", At The Gates "Slaughter of the soul", og....New York´s Life of Agony´s "Ugly"! Jeg kan tydeligt huske en torsdag aften i 1995, da programværten på det (desværre!) forlængst hedengangne "Heavyland" på Danmarks Radio´s P3 Carsten Holm spillede nummeret "Other side of the river" fra "Ugly" for os lyttere. Jeg faldt pladask for nummeret, og få dage efter befandt "Ugly" sig i min pladesamling....:-) "Ugly" er i bund og grund en meget enkel form for heavy metal, men takket være forsanger Keith Caputo´s helt enestående melankolske vokal kommer albummet op på et meget højt niveau!! Jeg stod fredag aften i køkkenet og lyttede til "Ugly", mens jeg lavede mad, og selv efter godt 15 år er albummet stadigvæk helt igennem fantastisk :-)).